
مـــن نــحن​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

تُعد شركة فـــیوجر بیلـــد واحدة من أبرز وأهم الشركات في مجال التصميم والبناء، حيث تتمتع بخبرة واسعة في تنفيذ مشاريع متنوعة حول العالم. تعتمد الشركة على خبراتها العلمية والفنية والتقنية القوية لضمان تحقيق نجاح المشاريع. وعلى مر السنين، اكتسبت فیـــوجــر بیـــلد سمعة استثنائية في التميز، مما جعلها اسمًا موثوقًا في صناعة التطوير والبناء.
نحن الوكلاء لشركة كندية رائدة في الشرق الأوسط.​​​​​​​

تصميم معماري​​​​​​​

تصميم داخلي​​​​​​​

​تصميم إنشائي

تصميم ميكانيكي وكهربائي وصحي​​​​​​​

التصميم الداخلي
تنسيق الحدائق

+ تصميم النظام الإنشائي
+ إعادة تأهيل الزلازل وتعزيز القوة الزلزالية
+ التحسين
+ النمذجة ثلاثية الأبعاد (BIM)
+ الإشراف

+ ميكانيكي
+ كهربائي

+ التصميم الداخلي والمواد
+ استشارات الأثاث والديكور
+ تصميم الإضاءة والمساحات الخضراء

شركة ام‌ای 3 هي شركة استشارات هندسية كندية تعمل منذ عام 2014. تقدم خبرات متعددة التخصصات في المشاريع الكبيرة والمعقدة مثل الاستشارات المهنية، الدراسات البيئية، إدارة البناء، والهندسة القيمية. وبفضل خبرتها الواسعة وشبكتها الواسعة من الخبراء، تلتزم شركة ام‌ای 3 بتقديم حلول عالية الجودة للمشاريع الكبرى في كندا وعلى الصعيد الدولي.

1. Commitment to Quality: At Future Build, we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality in all our projects. Each project is executed with precision and high standards to achieve the best possible results.

2. Innovation and Creativity: We strive for innovative and creative solutions for every project. Utilizing new technologies and advanced methods allows us to offer the best services to our clients.

3. Transparency and Honesty: Transparent and honest communication with clients and business partners is one of our core values. We respond to all client inquiries and needs with honesty and clarity.

4. Environmental Respect: We pay special attention to the environmental impact of our projects and strive to use sustainable methods and materials to minimize negative effects on the environment.

5. Collaboration and Teamwork: Our success results from teamwork and close collaboration between team members and business partners. We believe in the importance of teamwork and strive to create a supportive and empathetic environment for all team members.

6. Accountability: We take full responsibility for our projects and adhere to our commitments. At every stage of the project, we act in the best possible way and promptly and accurately resolve any issues.

7. Customer Focus: Our client's needs and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to understanding their unique requirements and expectations, ensuring that our efforts consistently align with delivering the highest level of service and value. By actively listening and responding to our clients, we aim to meet and exceed their expectations in every project.

Our Values

Our Vision

At Future Build, our vision is to build a future where innovation and quality in construction reach the highest standards. We are committed to executing projects that not only meet today's needs but also stand as enduring models for future generations by leveraging advanced technologies, creative methods, and a special focus on customer needs.​​​​​​​

Our Mission

​At Future Build, our mission is to create high-quality and innovative construction projects that best meet the needs of our clients. We are committed to completing projects that improve industry standards and positively impact communities and the environment by utilizing advanced technologies, efficient processes, and meticulous attention to detail.


​​Master of Architectural Engineering,
University of Tehran

​Engr. Mohammad Amin Darooei

He was born in 1981 in Tehran. After receiving a diploma from Marvi High School - the oldest high school in Tehran - in 2001 and at the same time as he started university studies in the field of architectural engineering, he gained experience in construction companies. He received a master's degree in architectural engineering from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Tehran in 2007. In the same year, he established the professional activities of the PADRA team as the construction department of Iran's 1st ranking consulting company and officially registered the leading company, PADRA Andishan, in 2011, and since then he has been the CEO and the design manager of the company.
In Engineer Darooei's track record, he cooperated with Bavand, Metra, Baft Shahr, Sekou, Pars Alsaf, Citec, Nomad Mobtekar, Haft Bena and numerous private and governmental organizations and bodies, including the Ministry of Science and Research, the Ministry of Petroleum, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Culture, Mapna Company, the Municipality of Tehran, Pasargad Bank, etc.

​Dr. Ali Razavi

PhD in Structural Engineering,
​​​​​​​University of Tehran

Engr. Ali Abbaszadeh

Mechanical Engineering,
Islamic Azad ​​​​​​​University of Mashhad​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​He was born in 1974 in Mashhad. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. He started his professional career as a mechanical engineer in 1999, gaining valuable experience in this field. In 2001, he continued his career under the name Abbaszadeh Consulting Engineers Group, carrying out numerous projects during this period. He has been active in providing engineering services, particularly in MEP design. In 2019, he established the Arman Tahvieh Rasam Company and has been its CEO since then.
The services offered include design, consultation, and implementation in mechanical and electrical installations, along with specialized consultations in the procurement and installation of devices for residential, office, commercial, and industrial buildings, among others. Relying on his technical knowledge, engineering skills, and past work experiences, he has successfully executed outstanding projects.
Engineer Abbaszadeh has collaborated with many private and governmental organizations, including construction engineering organizations and the Tehran Municipality.​​​​​​​

​He was born in 1982 in Tehran. He studied Bachelor of civil engineering at the University of Tehran and then he started his master of structural engineering at the same university. After their master's degree, he studied PhD in structural engineering at the University of Tehran and he became a graduate as the top student. Dr. Razavi offers 20 years of experience and expertise in structural design and assessment of various types of structures including buildings, industrial structures, pipe racks, heritage buildings, retrofit, and renovation. Informed by 3 major principles of resiliency, optimization, and innovative integrated design, he provides engineering solutions, aligned with different regulatory frameworks, for clients in the design of steel (hot-rolled and cold-formed), concrete, composite, wood, and masonry. A faculty member of the Civil Engineering department at USC University, he has state-of-the-art knowledge both in structural engineering and construction management. He's an assistant professor, the head of the Structural Laboratory, and also the founder of Construction Engineering and Management at USC, Iran. He is the head of the Seismic Rehabilitation Sub-Committee of the General Technical Specification of Building Construction, 3rd Edition (BHRC).